Hijab Inspiration: Tosca & Tiedye Scarf

Assalamu’alaikum Dear beloved sisters & Hijabers all around the world!

I apologize for the very long long long time without posting actively on the blog,,all of these are due to my super dense activities in my new work place. So for these 2 months I have been assigned to work at a PUSKESMAS (that’s what we call a Primary Health Center/ Community Based Health Center in Indonesia). So I have been working at that PUSKESMAS for 2 months. Rarely I had time to even write down for a post..Geez..lol. Anyway, now I am stealing some moments during my presentation work that needs to get done by tomorrow to greet you 🙂

So here I would like to share some pics I took a while ago me wearing tosca asymmetric loose top and a tosca-black-white tiedye scarf by Dian Pelangi, a very famous young designer from Indonesia (click here to go to her page).

I am trying to watermark my pics so you know where all of these cute photos are from :p

~ Salaaammmm ~

The Cute & Delicious Reunion

Full team (front left to front right) — Angela Mistralina – Gita Anggraeyni – Sauma Nurlina – Amanda Nur Shinta Pertiwi

Being separated for a while due to our routine as a medical doctor – General Practitioner to be exact has made us really in the need for a cute and delicious reunion! We were good friends back in Uni when we still went to Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta almost a year ago. Fashion, beauty, love stories and self-preference atmosphere were what united us every now and then. We did not hang out often, simply just “sometimes” but they were definitely always nice. Speaking with the same “languages” has made us become sort of a fix hanging out mates.

We share our love stories quite often. Dating issues, heartbroken scream and tears were all past for us. Right now, two of us (Me and Ayin-that’s how I call Angela) are married already. Ayin got married at the earliest amongst us and I followed a year after. This latest 6-month, Chaum-this is Sauma’s nickname from me has been preparing her upcoming wedding on September..really can’t wait to see her in her wedding dress! must be stunning~~~ Hopefully I can make it to come to your happiest day, Chauumm~

Gitche-again..a nickname from me! haha. Gitche is still on her “hot flush” to chase her dream being an Obstetrician & Gynecologist while keeping her relationship with her boyfriend to stay blossom in the aim to step a level ahead onto marriage in the following one or two years. InshaAllah soonest, dear pretty!

Ayin – her make up statement in the past 6 months is “cat-eye” and “upper-lid only liner” I guess..is that right, Yin? haha. A make up-obsessed girl from the uptown Yogyakarta. Love her way of laughing..one of a kind. LOL

Sauma – she always goes simple with everything she wears on. But I always love her choice in mix & match ideas! A caring and easy going friend and an easily-adaptable and responsible person.

Gitche – Pastels loverrrrr…Girly has always been her fashion and make up statement. Nothing changed..haha

Me – “Manche” that’s how almost every one called me in Uni. Love simplicity, plain, basic thingies..not interested in flowery things. haha sorry they just can’t make me fall in love. Fallen in love with black, brown, nude, dusty colors and bold colors like red, cobalt electric blue and orange.

It has been amazing to befriend every of you, dear friends..

…and we love photo shoot..!!

~ We will always be friends forever ~